Creating another Coaster

After publishing my two new Celtic Coasters my mind was thinking ‘Celtic’ and I came up with another design to try.

When I was creating my Celtic Cross bookmark I had seen that I could used the part of the pattern at the end of the arms to make a complete triquetra. triquetra in #10 cotton

Now I decided to try to make a coaster using the triquetra shape but adding a circle.

I started, as I often do, by using some old acrylic yarn to experiment with.acrylic trial versionWhen I had finalised the pattern I made one with my Rico Essentials cotton DK yarn. First attempt in colttonI wasn’t sure if this was big enough.

So I got out the smallest coaster I had, that I bought years ago in Iona, which is about three inches in diameter.  small coaster from IonaCompared to my original Celtic coaster coaster on top or original Celtic coastersmaller but hopefully usable.

The centre of the new coaster was a bit smaller. New coaster on top of small coasterSo I used my chunky cotton but maybe that made something that was too big. Two sizes of new pattern coasterSo I decided to use the next size up hook which made the centre just about the same size as the round coaster.

I also decided to reverse the colours. three colourways of new coasterSo the border was lighter than the centre.

Yes “That will do!” I thought.

It just so happened that soon after this, my eldest was in the area and popped in. She saw the coasters and said that she liked them. After that the conversation went something like this:-

“Would you like me to make you one?” said I.

“Yes please”. she replied

“What colours would you like?” I asked.

“I don’t know. You are better with colours; you choose!”

“Well it will depend a bit on how much I have of the different colours. I have lots of black!” I said with a grin.

“Mm black sounds okay!”

So this is what I have made her. coaster for my daughter



  1. I’m not sure what mistake I am making with the triquetra. I chained 62 but if I repeat the sections as described in the instructions, I don’t seem to have enough chains. Can you please clarify exactly what gets repeated or done twice?

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  2. […] I tripped over a lovely set of celtic crochet coasters the other day whilst perusing other people’s blogs. I thought they’d make great single day projects for Me Made May. So today I ambled over to and paid for the PDF download. As you can see from the photo above, the initial part of the piece was very squiggly, but I had faith in the process. It didn’t take too long to produce Rainbow Junkie’s Triquetra knot coaster. […]

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