My Rainbow Garden – Orange

I don’t actually have many orange flowers in my garden as it isn’t one of my favourite colours but I do love marigolds and monbretia so I have both of those.

Here is the monbretia


And a close up of one of the flowers.


The monbretia has been there a long time. I think I may have brought it with me from my previous house.

Marigolds however are annuals and the first time I tried to plant them, a few years ago, the slugs ate up the seedlings before they had hardly come through but about eighteen months ago I tried again.


This time I had lots (some yellow which I will show you in a later post) .

One time I was out there and I found a fly resting inside.


And a close up –


Another time it was a moth


Look at the delicate colouring


This year I didn’t plant any but they have seeded themselve and come up between the paving slabs.



  1. I am very partial to flowers that seed themselves and grow in the gap between paving stones! That’s just the kind of tough, self-sufficient plant that does well in my garden. The others kind of shrivel and die…. !!!


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